ID Verification & I9 Services

How Precision Signing Agency Provides On-Demand ID Verification?

As a Precision Signing Agency client, you are able to place an order request for ID Verification through our secure portal, Once we receive the order, we will use our partner platform, Proof, to initiate the ID Verification for the person requested. If there are any issues or they do not pass ID verification, we will notify you immediately. Either way, you will receive a completion report within 5 minutes of the ID Verification appointment time.

IAL2 Certification

Identity Assurance Level 2 (IAL2) is one of the three tiers of identity proofing defined by the United States Government's National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
Simply put, IAL2 serves as a standard for establishing a high level of confidence in confirming an individual's claimed identity.

What is NIST IAL2 identity verification?

The criteria for IAL2 are outlined in NIST Special Publication 800-63, which delineates the following three levels of identity assurance:

IAL1: Identity claims are self-asserted and not linked to a specific real-life individual.

IAL2: Evidence supports the real-world existence of the claimed identity, establishing the applicant as the true owner of this identity.

IAL3: Identity proofing is supervised by an authorized representative, with specialized hardware required if appearing remotely.

Among these standards, IAL2 holds particular relevance for businesses and organizations operating online. Federal agencies are increasingly adopting the IAL2 standard within their regulatory domains. For instance, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration mandates IAL2 for odometer disclosures, the Small Business Administration requires it for loan document execution, and the IRS requires it for accessing tax records.

Furthermore, in the absence of alternatives, IAL2 has emerged as the de facto gold standard for identity verification. It has been voluntarily embraced not only by private industry but also by state and local governments, solidifying its position as a widely accepted benchmark for robust identity confirmation.

Businesses should embrace Identity Assurance Level 2 (IAL2) for several compelling reasons. In an era dominated by digital interactions, verifying a user's real-world identity has become a fundamental prerequisite for providing access to a wide array of online services. The significance of this need cannot be overstated, especially considering that the digital economy in the United States is experiencing growth at a rate five times faster than the overall economy, reaching a substantial $3.7 trillion in 2021. In essence, conducting business online has evolved into the default mode of operation across many industries.

Simultaneously, the scale and complexity of fraudulent activities continue to escalate each year. As of this year (2023), there have been over 700 reported data breaches compromising nearly 700 million records. The ease with which one can acquire a stolen identity, create a synthetic identity, or obtain a convincing fake ID has never been higher.

The IAL2 standard effectively addresses these challenges. By implementing IAL2, businesses can enhance their security measures and ensure a more robust defense against the rising tide of fraud in the digital landscape. This standard provides a structured and reliable framework for verifying identities, offering a higher level of confidence that the individual accessing online services is indeed who they claim to be. In a landscape where trust and security are paramount, embracing IAL2 becomes a strategic imperative for businesses seeking to navigate the digital realm securely and responsibly.

Why should businesses embrace IAL2?

IAL2 Process

Subsequently, the service provider undergoes a thorough verification process. This involves confirming the consistency of the personal information with a genuine identity, authenticating the provided evidence, and ensuring that the individual is indeed the legitimate owner of the claimed identity. In essence, IAL2 establishes a comprehensive approach to identity confirmation by combining personal information, tangible proof, and biometric verification to instill a high level of confidence in the authenticity of an individual's identity.

How does IAL2 work?

IAL2 serves as a framework designed to validate an individual's genuine ownership of their identity. To achieve this, the service provider gathers three categories of data from the individual:

1. Personal Information: This includes details such as the individual's name, address, and date of birth.

2. Identity Evidence: This category involves collecting tangible proof of identity, often in the form of a photo ID.

3. Biometric Characteristic: The individual is required to provide a biometric feature, typically in the form of a live selfie.